雪茄新思維 亞洲領先者 Innovation idea of cigar. The outstanding leader in Asia.

天雲岩 緣起雪茄客氣吞萬里的形象,裊裊煙然成山雲萬物之形,透過東方充滿人文的氣息文化,尊敬自然大地萬物,崇尚傳統及融合創新。

HONDURAS的Jamastran Valley區,被選為 天雲岩 手工雪茄出產製造地。Jamastran濕潤的土壤、溫暖的氣候、地理環境非常適合種植品質頂級的雪茄菸葉。在適當的溫度和濕度下種植、採集、儲存、捆紮、分類,在每個環節上嚴謹把關。為了寫下亞洲雪茄新的里程,將東方與西方結合,歷經了幾年的調整測試下,深刻地體驗到時間累積才能醞釀出這種口感圓潤且韻味豐富順口的手工雪茄。

如今她以高雅、美好的姿態、豐富的口感、溫潤的東方氣息,出現在世人眼前,讓全世界雪茄客盛讚不已。以信念完成挑戰,用毅力克服萬難,這就是 天雲岩 堅定想要表達的決心。



The image of SKYTONE is inspired from the nature , with strong eastern cultural spirit and the picture of the cigar smoking man. SKYTONE respect the universe,advocating the combination between tradition and innovation.

The Jaomatran Valley of HONDURAS was selected as the place where produce the SKYTONE handmade cigars.

The enviroment of Jamastran is proper to grow the top quality cigars.SKYTONE keep closed tab on the manufacturing process of products,including proper temperature and humidity, collection, store, bundling and classification.

For set the new milestone of Asian cigars, SKYTONE spend several years researching the different flavor of cigars and presenting the finest cigars to customers .

Nowadays,the brand of SKYTONE is known its elegant and abundant flavor all over the world,cigar smokers are praise its high quality.

SKYTONE have the determination to complete the challenge with faith,overcome all difficulties with perseverance,presenting the best quality product to the cigar lovers.


  • 2018 - 邀請宏都拉斯爵士樂團Hibriduz Jazz擔任品牌形象代言。 Invited the Honduran Hibriduz Jazz be the brand image endorsement.
  • 2017 - 天雲岩 SKYTONE 已亞洲區台灣開始正式販售。 SKYTONE has been officially sold in Taiwan, Asia.
  • 2016 - 亞洲區巡迴推廣。 Cigar promotion in Asia.
  • 2015 - 經過不斷的調味測試調整,Master.Mario及Mr.Oswin捲製出第一支SKYTONE雪茄。 After continuous seasoning test adjustment, Master.Mario and Mr.Oswin rolled out the first SKYTONE cigar.